Companies Demonstrate a Corporate Social Mind During Pandemics

While institutional trust has been low for some time, individuals are realizing that their trust is a valuable commodity ... and they are looking for companies to trust right now. The brands that have prioritized efforts to communicate about what they are doing for their employees, vendors, community and consumers have been able to deepen their relationships with those that view them as instrumental in addressing COVID-19. This results in a new corporate social mindset that companies must have now and will likely adapt in the future.

But what does it mean to be communicative and supportive of community during this time? It means we ask our consumers and listen to their needs. Employees ask probing questions where they live to gather local stories of consumers and residents, which the company then shares in communities where they have a presence. The corporate platform is another distribution opportunity to reach large numbers of Americans, and this is especially true with campaigns such as #ALONETOGETHER by the Ad Council.

Read: Corporate Social Mind Traits


Movement Demands Must Be Clear and Easy to Adopt


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